If you ask anyone their opinion about performance reviews, most people seem to think of them negatively. But why?
Often, the problem stems from the fact that the 'customers' of the process - managers and employees - haven't been properly considered.
For example, let's take a typical process that often starts when someone is hired. They are given the run down of the company, and a run down of what is important (e.g. Values), and are then in their job. They speak with their manager on a regular basis about what is happening and how things are going, but there isn't any formal approach in place. And then at the end of the year, performance reviews are required to take place. But who has been preparing? At what point were the items that are included in the performance review spoken about?
Often, a manager is asked to rate their team members on items that they haven't really spoken much about during the year, which if you think about it doesn't inspire trust and fairness. 'There was that time 6 months ago that you didn't really communicate well to a customer'.
'When exactly?'
'You know, we spoke about it!"
"I don't remember, where is the evidence?'
And so on it goes. Employee Life changes all of this through what we call a 'performance drumbeat'. It is the easiest and fairest way we know to ensure everyone is talking about 'the things that matter most' throughout the year.
If we could show you a way to radically improve this typical process, would you be willing to invest no more than 30 minutes to learn more? Get in touch and one of our team will give you everything you need to know so that you can decide if it is right for you.